So will I
Psalm 89:1-13 from the daily reading in the One Year Bible
I will sing of the lovingkindness of the Lord forever;
To all generations I will make known Your faithfulness
with my mouth.
2 For I have said, “Lovingkindness will be built up forever;
In the heavens You will establish Your faithfulness.”
3 “I have made a covenant
with My chosen;
I have sworn to David My servant,
4 I will establish your seed forever
And build up your throne to all generations.” Selah.
5 The heavens
will praise Your wonders, O Lord;
Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the holy ones.
6 For who in the skies is comparable to the Lord?
Who among the sons of the mighty is
like the Lord,
7 A God greatly feared in the council of the holy ones,
And awesome above all those who are around Him?
8 O Lord God of hosts, who
is like You, O mighty Lord?
Your faithfulness also surrounds You.
9 You rule the swelling of the sea;
When its waves rise, You still them.
10 You Yourself crushed Rahab
like one who is slain;
You scattered Your enemies with Your mighty arm.
11 The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours;
The world and all it contains, You have founded them.
12 The north and the south, You have created them;
Tabor and Hermon shout for joy at Your name.
13 You have a strong arm;
Your hand is mighty, Your right
hand is exalted.
The psalmist says of God: Who in the skies is comparable to the Lord?
Who among the sons of the mighty is like the Lord, A God greatly feared in the council of the holy ones,
And awesome above all those who are around Him? … You scattered Your enemies with Your mighty arm. There is none like God. He is Almighty, omniscient, omnipresent, infinite and eternal. God does in fact scatter and defeat His
enemies. It is important though to know that God does not choose any to be His enemies, rather those who are enemies of God haven chosen their own portion. In Isaiah 14:12-15, it tells the account of God’s first enemy, Lucifer, who was created
to worship and serve God. It says: “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations! “But
you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. ‘I will
ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ “Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol, To the recesses of the pit. All those who choose
to be enemies of God since that time, also have the same motivation. Although they were created to worship and serve God, they desire to be above God. They choose to be an enemy of God so that they can take His position, even if it is only in their own eyes.
The psalmist says: I will sing of the lovingkindness of the Lord forever;
To all generations I will make known Your faithfulness with my mouth. For I have said, “Lovingkindness will be built up forever; In
the heavens You will establish Your faithfulness… The heavens will praise Your wonders, O Lord;
Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the holy ones. For who in the skies is comparable to the Lord? Who among
the sons of the mighty is like the Lord, A God greatly feared in the council of the holy ones, And awesome above all those who are around Him? O Lord God of hosts, who
is like You, O mighty Lord? Your faithfulness also surrounds You. You rule the swelling of the sea; When its waves rise, You still them. People, with all of there own strength and
even with the things they have built with their hands, are helpless to stand against the power of the waves of the sea. A storm or a tsunami can wipe away all that man has built. Yet, God rules and stills it by the word of His mouth. In Job 38:8-11 God said:
“Or who enclosed the sea with doors When, bursting forth, it went out from the womb; When I made a cloud its garment And thick darkness its swaddling band, And
I placed boundaries on it And set a bolt and doors, And I said, ‘Thus far you shall come, but no farther; And here shall your proud waves stop’?”
The oceans have reason to be proud. They are vast and powerful, beautiful and even majestic. They sustain the lives of millions of created things. Yet, they are subject to the will and the word of God. Even the heavens, high above the earth, beyond what we
can see or imagine, do not equal the magnitude of the infinite and eternal God. They are the creation and He is the creator.
I too, like the psamist say: I will sing of the lovingkindness of the Lord forever; To all generations
I will make known Your faithfulness with my mouth. For I have said, Lovingkindness will be built up forever;
In the heavens You will establish Your faithfulness… If the heavens will praise Your wonders, so will I.
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